Give a head start to the Open Enrollment Season 2020

Plan for Open Enrollment Season 2020 Offshore & Streamline your Enrollment work with SandMartin

The Coronavirus pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to numerous Third Party Administrators across the globe. The open enrolment season is all set to take off from November 01 for 2020 health insurance coverage. Being overloaded with multiple tasks, the TPA firms are facing a shortage of talent for seasonal jobs like open enrollment.  On an average around 30% of their employee’s time is dedicated towards managing enrollments. Thus, every TPA firm during this time is challenged to:

  • Reduce Time & Resources devoted to usual business
  • Avoid legal exposure & liabilities
  • Improve Customer Experience
  • Explore Cost Saving options

In that case, SandMartin Consultants can come into the big picture and can become your offshoring outsourcing partner. You can give a head start to the Open Enrollment Season with our premium outsourcing services at the most affordable cost with our limited time special offers.

Navigate your workforce requirements with the Experts of Remote Working

Remote teams are the way to the future, and TPA firms must leverage the power of highly skilled offshore teams. Outsource the administration work such as Enrollment Importing, Paper Enrollment Forms, Spreadsheet Enrollment, etc. to the offshore team of SandMartin. The process which is time-intensive and hands-on in nature can be outsourced by TPAs and their employees are free to serve as advisors to provide better value proposition to clients. Moreover, leverage their relationship with carriers to simplify process, and most importantly to focus on acquiring more clients.

As a matter of fact, TPAs can save over 50% of their actual staffing costs while reaping the benefits of virtual office which includes zero strain over hiring and retaining the right talent. This is one of the most efficient strategies that several TPAs have adopted to mitigate pandemic related disruptions.

Furthermore, several forward-thinking Third Party administrators have outsourced their benefits administration work to SandMartin and secured a lead position among their peers amidst the recessionary pandemic pressures.

SandMartin Expert services

SandMartin has been providing benefit administration services to TPAs for more than 20 years. We have the software, technology, expertise, stringent security measures, and proven methodologies to help you streamline inefficient business functions, and keep your operations running smoothly in these difficult times.

SandMartin has assisted TPAs to sail through the unexpected increased claims work due to covid while keeping up the BCP with flexible & cost-friendly solutions. Our robust teams are accustomed to remote working – ensuring a streamlined and highly efficient process.

In order to support TPAs to navigate COVID implications and give a head start to the Open Enrollment Season , SandMartin has launched Special Pandemic Offers for TPAs.

To know more about the special offers & register for the limited time offer, Visit or Contact us at [email protected]
